Friday, November 7, 2014

28 things about being 28

It's been forever since I've blogged. I've felt bad about that, and then I feel overwhelmed about it, and then I forget about it. So here it is!

(Also, I promise I will upload some more cupcake bloggies soon. And by soon, I mean we will see, maybe eventually.)

28 things about being 28!

1. At this point in your 20's you stop trying to fight the oncoming birthdays. You just accept them, and sometimes even think your 30's might be fun. 

2. You have been to most of your friends weddings by now. 

3. You've also celebrated some of their divorces. 

4. You are an 'aunt' to almost as many children as you have friends. 

5. 'Going Out' means going to dinner, possibly having dessert, and then being home in time to go to bed at a reasonable hour. 

6. You have come to the realization that just because you can order alcohol at a restaurant doesn't mean you have to. 

7. Hangovers are almost non-existent, because let's face it when was the last time you actually got drunk?

8. You take better care of your pets than you do of yourself. 

9. You joined a gym. 

10. You actually go to the gym. 

11. Everyone you know goes to the gym, or has at least started running. 

12. 9 am is now considered 'sleeping in'. 

13. On your days off you can be found cleaning out your garage, doing yard work, or cleaning the house. 

14. Your weekend consists of 'projects'. And not the fun kind. 

15. You actually consider paying bills to be some sort of weird therapy. 

16. High school kids all look like babies. 

17. Actually, anyone under the age of 23 looks like a baby now. 

18. Most of your 'wild' nights consist of having friends over for dinner, playing cards, and eating leftover Halloween candy. 

19. You made sure your house was prepared for trick-or-treaters this year. 

20. You now hate shopping for clothes, but find grocery shopping to be slightly more enjoyable. 

21. You celebrated your 10 year class reunion this year, and died a little inside. 

22. You've begun to worry about having a career. 

23. The first question people ask you when they meet you is 'do you have kids?'. When you say no they either ask 'why not?' or 'when are you planning on starting?'. 

24. You actually enjoy having an office in your home. And in fact, some of your friends are jealous that you have your own office. 

25. Paying a mortgage makes you feel distinguished. 

26. Your circle of friends includes like-minded business people. 

27. You have a wine preference. 

28. You have an emergency fund and are darn proud of it! 

Alright gang, hope you enjoyed it. <3 


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